March 5, 2009

I miss critical analysis


Anonymous said...

shut up all you do it quote other people, none of it is your own writing or thoughts...what the fuck makes you different?

Carmela said...

I never said I was different?

this is MY blog.
that means I post what I want to post.

and actually, if you read some of my archives I have countless posts of original writing.

if you don't like what's being displayed on this particular blog there is a big red "X" (if you're using a PC) in the right hand corner of your screen.

then you can rid yourself of all my nonsensical postings.

have a good morning (:

Anonymous said...

ive read "transparency" and i feel that you are a hypocrite...& yes you feel like youre different when your really the same as everyone else... "God blessed me with the gift of intuition. it's so easy for me to seperate real from fake."

who are you to judge whats "real" and "fake" are you god? is there certain guidlines to be "real"?

its so stupid when people even use those terms to describe people as if those where actual characteristics. everyone who has skin and bones it "real"... whatever that just really annoys me and you should think about it.

carmela said...

Actually: God has blessed EVERY individual with intuition, in case you didn't know.

it's not something I have and you don't. haha.

I mean, "going with your gut", "trusting your heart" and "having intuition" are all loosely the same ideas. not something I think I have and nobody else does.

and that post was written so long ago I don't even know how to explain it in relation to it's context.

and (in my opinion) "skin & bones" doesn't constitute reality. dead people still have skin and bones -- are they a "real" human being? when I mean real I mean: having some integrity and doing what is right a.k.a. being honest and now smiling in someone's face when in actuality: you hate that. THAT'S being real.

why pretend like you didn't know what I was trying to imply?

and furthermore, my writing isn't as deep as it seems to be. take this shit with a grain of salt. honestly.

carmela said...

****a.k.a. being honest and not smiling in someone's face when in actuality: you hate them

Carmela said...

and in that particular post and I apologized for it not being "my most concise post" SOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Goodnight (:

Unknown said...

LOVE this quote! so true.

Anonymous said...

hmmm i guess..i still dont see it though...
why girls hate "fake"...
and not one can admit that they are "fake" too,
why some people front like theyve never
talked behind another persons back..

and in regards to being "real" and talking shit to that persons face instead of behind their backs..
as an example;
lets say that i was one of your buddies and i called you ugly behind your back & you found out through someone else and called me fake because i couldnt say it to your face.. so i would think, why? what would you do if i said it to your face? would it even matter?

and btw im not attacking you im just challenging your opinion with mine

Carmela said...

well, let me say first that I consider myself a young woman. With that being said, it does matter to me at least whether or not someone is saying something behind my back instead of in my face. I have more respect for the person who can come up to me and say, " wowwww ur ugly" and my shake my hand instead that of that one, random girl who will tell me my hair looks gorgeous when in her mind she wants to chop it all off.

Respect me enough to understand and know that whatever you (not You personally lol) have to tell me (good or bad) will be taken for what it is. Why say it when I'm not listening? I'm a big girl -- I can take it lol.

Just my opinion

Anonymous said...

i still dont see it

but i'll agree to disagree